
The Future and Beyond

I asked my classmates about what they want to do with their remaining time in high school. Many of them told me that their interview caused them to reflect on what they want to accomplish and how to utilize their time wisely. I also asked them what they were looking forward to in college. There was a common trend in freedom and meeting new people.

Double Standards For Women in Society

Throughout my life, I've come to the acceptance that there will always be double standards for women. Myself and many of my female peers have been exposed to a lot of these double standards, finding it unbearable and irritating to deal with them on the daily. This photo essay sheds a light on four common double standards held for women. Make sure you're skinny.... But don't skimp on eating everything that a "normal" person would eat. Otherwise you're self-obsessed. Show skin, not your bra straps... But make sure you're also modest. You wouldn't want anyone to think you're a slut. Look beautiful while working out... You can only improve yourself if you look good doing it. You have no place in a business environment. The suit "doesn't fit." Even if you do find a place, you're a nameless face that will not receive the appreciation you deserve.

Phoney Interactions

After returning from filling my water bottle up at the water fountain I realized one thing: a once engaging conversation about classes, stressful extracurricular activities, and exciting weekend plans has turned to people tapping and scrolling on their phones. Phones were invented to communicate with people, but lately, they have inhibited physical communication. A like on a picture posted is the new "Hey, how are you doing?" while walking down a hallway. Multiple craned necks looking down on luminous screens are seen during a five-minute break during class.  Most seem to scroll mindlessly until they get to the end of their feed until switching to another app to repeat. I am certainly guilty of this behavior but have been trying to stop opting for a funny video than a talk with my peers. I wanted to capture people on their phones to compare and contrast their different actions. This is "Phoney Interactions."

Roman Ruins

I recently went to Rome, Italy during Thanksgiving break. When I was there, I got to tour the infamous Colosseum and the Roman Forum. I've always been interested in Roman History, so seeing it up close was very exciting. Enjoy some photos along with informational blurbs! An outside view of the Colosseum, otherwise known as the Flavian Amphitheater. The Flavian Amphitheater was used for the Romans to watch humans fight animals, like elephants, tigers, giraffes and many others. The different levels of the Amphitheater had people of different social status. The slaves sat at the top and their owners sat near the stage. There used to be a wooden stage on top of the underground tunnels. The Underground tunnels were used to transport the people fighting and the animas to the stage. The tunnels were usually decorated with fountains and other places for the fighters to wash up. There aren't only tunnels underground in the Colosseum, but also all o...